Gus Van Sant strikes out with this story of teenage skate boarders.
He takes us back and forth in time the way he did in Elephant but this time there are no characters who really grab your attention or interest long enough to make you care. And the time travel only serves to confuse.
Director: Gus Van Sant
Country: France
Year: 2007
Language: English
Runtime: 90 minutes
Format: Colour/35mm
Rating: 14A
Cast & Crew
Production Company: MK2
Producer: Marin Karmitz, Nathanaƫl Karmitz
Screenplay: Gus Van Sant, based on the novel by Blake Nelson
Cinematographer: Christopher Doyle, Rain Kathy Li
Editor: Gus Van Sant
Production Designer: John Pearson-Denning
Sound: Leslie Shatz
Principal Cast: Gabe Nevins, Dan Liu, Jake Miller, Taylor Momsen, Lauren McKinney